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עלמה שניאור alma shneor

Alma Shneor

Born Tel Aviv, 1978
Lives and works in Tel Aviv



2002-2006 Fine Art Studies in "Hamidrasha", Beit-Berl, Israel

2015-2016 Fellows Program, Alma House for Hebrew Culture, Tel Aviv

2020-2021 Olympus, program for artists at the Liebling House, Tel Aviv


Grants & Awards 

2014 - "Artist in the Community prize" of the Ministry of Culture & Sport

2009 - The "Young Artist Prize" of the Israel Ministry of Culture & Sport

2006 - Award for for excellence in studies from Julie M Gallery and "Hamidrasha" school of art


- Tel Aviv Museum of Art collection      
- Outdoor sculpture for Tel Aviv Municipality (kaplan street)

- The knesset of Israel art collection
-  Haifa Museum of Art collection

- Private collections in Israel, Canada and France

Solo Exhibitions

2021 - ״Untitled breath” - The Liebling House, Tel Aviv

2014 - "ReflectOr", Julie M. gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel

2013 - "ReflectOr", Epson Gallery, Hadassah Academic College Jerusalem

2012 - "Practice", Alma Shneor & Yaara Oren, Alfred Gallery, Tel Aviv. Curator: Dina Yakerson(Cat.)

2011 - "Alma Shneor Video Works", Art gallery at the Memorial Center Tivon. Curator:Taly Cohen Garbuz

2010 - "Dance of Wind & Paper", The Neri Bloomfield Academy of Design and Education,

       (WIZO Design academy), Haifa, Israel

2009 - "Dance of Wind & Paper", Julie M. gallery, Tel-Aviv

2008 - "Harakiri", Dror center for the Arts, Israel

2007 - "IT", The Artists House, Jerusalem, Israel, Curator: Boaz Tal

2006 - "Sunset 21", Julie M. gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel


2022 - Kama fanzin of art

2015 - Eynaym - Magazin of art for children

2014 - ״& Magazin״ for art and culture

2012 - ״Practice״, book of Yaara Oren & Alma Shneor

2011 - "Et lakan" ,Journal of the israely Jacques Lacan Association

2010 - "Can" Magazin״ for Israeli Art

2009 - "Masmerim",Israeli Magazine for literature

2009 - "Limbus-Makom Tzilum", Photography book

2007 - "Hamidrasha No.10" About Feminism and Israeli Art

2013 - 2016 "Harama" (NO.4,5,9,15) Magazin for Contemporary Art

Selected Group Exhibitions

2023 - "Vital Signs: Pulse and Breathing Rhythm in Contemporary Art״ Haifa Museum of Art. 

        Curator: Kobi Ben Meir

     - Ubiquity - Beit Kandinof Jaffa. Curators: Malu Zaion & Lior Sadan
2022 - "Eliyahu" the main exhibition at Loving Art event. Curators: Ofra Harnam and Tali Ben Nun
     - "Moving in time and Space", Art in Hashalom train station, Curators: Galit Malis and Keren Stivenson
     - "Migrash", Art event in Kiryat Hamelacha, Curator: Tamir Chen
     - "Jaffa 110", Art in Jaffa, Cura
tor: Oz Zaluf
     - "Lifting the Lights", Art in Noga neighborhood,Tel-Aviv.Curator: Meital Manor
     -  “Out of the box 4", Old Jaffa, Curator: Noga Or Yam

2021 - "Out of the box 3", Old Jaffa, Curator: Ido Cohen

       ״Demolition Festival״ Tel Aviv Municipal LGBT Community Center

        Curators: Liav Mizrahi and Oz Zaluf

     - "Unmasking. Experimental Sonic Practices". MediSouP Online Concert

     - "Bread and Roses", Tel Aviv Artists house.Curators: Hagai Ulrich and Leah Abir

2020 - "Art at Bus Stations",Art project at bus stations of the Tel Aviv Municipality, curator: Maayan Nevo

     - "The Floor",group exhibition of 5 artists, Rival 26, Tel Aviv

     - "Exit Strategic״ Art event around town. Tel-Aviv. Curator: Ruth Oppenheim

2019 - "Performance event" Shpira center, Tel-Aviv.Curator: Daya Belzer

2018 - ״Refugees״,group exhibition for the refugees. The Red House, Tel Aviv. Curator: Hagar Shapira

     - ״Bread and Roses״, Curator: Ofra Haranam

     - "Pinteta 5 - Contemporary Israel ART", The Red house, Tel-Aviv

2017 - "Gaps",Minshar gallery, Tel-Aviv. Curator: Ofra Harnam

     - "Heart water face" Jerusalem Biennial, Curator: Avital Naor Veksler.(Cat.)

     - "Hamidrasha-Video Art event",Ozen bar, Tel-Aviv, Curator: Ruti Sela

     - "Umami-Performance event", Miklat 209, Tel-Aviv,Curator: Karin Mendelobich

     - "Israeli Video Artists",Tel-Aviv Cinematheque

2016 - "Draw to Performe", Petach-Tikva museum. Curator: Ram Samucha

     - "Israeli is my brother", Indie gallery, Tel-Aviv. Curator: Omri Shpira

     - ״Exposure״ Performance and Video Art event, P8 Gallery, Tel-Aviv

     - "Out of proportion 60-90-60",street exhibition Holon. Curator: Roni Mero

     - "Univerum", Rosentalis House, Jaffa port. Curator: Sharon Tuval

     - "The gun died of laughter", P8 Gallery Shpilman Tel-Aviv. Curator: Karin Mendelobich

     - "Pop up", Julie M Gallery hosting at Shpilman institute Tel-Aviv

       Curators: Oded Shtil & Adi Kabili

2015 - Artport Fair for Artists books. Tel-Aviv. Curator: Vardit Gross

     - "Seeing Lights", Trumpeldor Gallery, Beer-Sheva. Curator: Haim Maor

     - "Israeli Forest between memory and escapism". Yavne Gallery. Curator: Bat Sheva Granit

2014 - "(G)aming",Performance event. Hatzok Gallery Natanya. Curator: Maya Kashevits

     - "Passages", Hansen House, Jerusalem. Curator: Sharon Toval.(Cat.)

     - "SoincYouth", Nuzha Gallery, Jaffa. Curator: Hadas Kedar

     - Musrrara Mix Festival 14, Jerusalem.Curator: Ayelet Hashachar     

     - "The Fireman's Ball", The New Art Work Shop, Ramat Eliyahu,Rishon Lezion, Israel

     - "Picture Peace", Artist for peace, Beit Hagefen, Curator: Yeala Hazut

     - "GROUP EXHIBIT - CONTEMPORARY ISRAELI ART", Julie M. gallery,Toronto

     - Artist books weekend. ARTPLUS Hotel. Tel - Aviv. Curator: Dina Yakerson

     - "In Between", Museum of the city Haifa. Curators: Yeala Hazut & Farid Abu Shakra

2013 - "THINKING BACK, MOVING FORWARD", Julie M. Gallery, Toronto

     - "Housework", The Curatorial Studies Program Gallery, kibbutzim 

        College of Education, Curator: Inbal Sharon

     - NIO 2 - International video art festival, city of Pereira, Colombia. curator: Liliana Orbach

     - "SPEAK- ART", Video Projection, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Dina Yakerson

     - "Dhyana", Group Exhibition, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Inbal Cohen

     - "Nisoy Kelim Festival", Curator: Carmit Blumensohn

2012 - "Random", BAAD Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

     - "Metushelah", Galon Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel. Curator: Avi Schneebaum.(Cat.)

     - "Take my breath away: Landscape & Colour", Julie M. Gallery, Toronto
     - "Home Affairs - Israeli video art program in Madrid", curator: Liliana Orbach
    - "White Ink", Alfred Gallery, curator: Noa Liberman
2011 - TIAF: Toronto International Art Fair, Julie M. Gallery, Toronto
    - "Human Landscape" - Photography, The Artists House, Tel Aviv, curator: Daniella Talmor (Cat.)
    - "Salon Tzilum" - Jaffa port

     - "The First Decade" - works of Graduates from "hamidrasha", Mofet Institute, Tel- Aviv, (Cat.)

2010 - "SEXSIN", The Spaceship at Hayarkon 70, Tel-Aviv, Israel
    - "The Secret Exhibition", Beit Mani, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - The Minister of Culture Prize for Visual Arts exhibition,

       Herzliya Museon of Contemporary Art(Cat.)

2009 - "Architecture Inside/Out", Julie M Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - "Open Wide", Julie M. Gallery, Toronto, Canada  

     - "D.Z.34", "Hamidrasha" Gallery Tel-Aviv, Israel
    - "Format 09", International Photography Festival, Derby UK, Curator: Louise Clements (Cat.)

     - "Video It 2009", Selections from Israel, Torino, Italy,Curator: Sergio Edelstein 

     - "Circular", Julie M Gallery, Toronto, Canada         

     - Gallery 501, Sichuan Fine Art academy, Chongqing, China 

     - "Liga 2009, 100 years-101 women Artists", Amiad center, Jaffo,Curator: Galya Yahav

     - "The Music-Car", Julie M Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - "BartArt", P8 Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - "Media bikes", Video screening, ArtTlv, Israel

     - "Two", Michal Gallery, Rehovot, Israel (Cat.)

     - "Starter", "Hakita gallery" Tel-Aviv, Israel

2008 - "The Secret Exhibition", Beit Mani, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     -  Biennale for Young Artists, Ramat Hasharon, Israel (Cat.)

     - "Rooms of there own", The Anna Ticho House, Jerusalem, Israel

     - "Nes Café", Hodaya center, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - "Klik...Grr...Klik...Grr..", Homage to the slide projector, The Art Gallery,

       University of Haifa, Curator: Ruti Director (Cat.)

     - Public view-video screening, Tel - Aviv, Israel

     - "To whom it belong?", video screening, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - "URI 83", Rotchild 83, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - "In & Out", Julie M. Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel

2007 - "Agonia", Sapir College of Art, Curator: Galya Yahav (Cat.)

     - Love Art, video screening, Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Israel

     - "Local Time 8", video screening, The Center of Contemporary Art,Tel-Aviv Israel

     - "Arbetura", video screening, The Artist's Workshops, Tel-Aviv,  

     - "Danny's House", Michal 7, Tel-Aviv, Israel

     - "Homemade 3", Video-Art Festival, Poland

     - "Desert Generation - 40 years of occupation", The Artists house, Jerusalem

     - "Passing the Botonette - Four Decades of Feminism in Israel Art",
        Museum of Modern Art, Haifa, Israel (Cat.)

2006 - "Videozone 3", The center of contemporary art, Tel-Aviv,(Cat.)

     - Maya and Alma Electro music and live video performance, "Hagada-Hasmalit" Israel

     - "Hmidrasha" Group exhibition (Cat.)

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